Casa Della Fotografia di Roma


About Us

The House of Photography is a prestigious cultural institution dedicated to the enhancement and dissemination of photographic art.Heirs to the happy experience, in March 2019, of the Month of Photography in Rome MFR19, La CASA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA DI ROMA really wants to be the residential place, the welcoming domicile where all operators (professionals, amateur photographers, simple enthusiasts), can find the right spaces to fully experience the work, passion and art of photography.

Conceived, desired and created by Gilberto Maltinti (President) and Ermanno Campita (Secretary) - Paolo Franzò is its Founding Member and Vice-President - The House of Photography in Rome, among the many activities currently in place, is committed to disseminating photographic culture free of charge even in middle and secondary schools - with specific courses - and towards disadvantaged people through free courses with the guests of the Tor Bella Monaca Art Laboratory Museum and Trinità dei Pellegrini, in the Old Town, of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

In addition to exhibitions, the CASA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA DI ROMA organizes workshops, training courses and conferences, providing a stimulating environment for learning and exchanging ideas between enthusiasts, professionals and scholars in the field. Educational activities are often accompanied by film screenings, discussions and debates that further enrich the educational experience of participants and offers a wide range of activities and events, including temporary and permanent exhibitions that allow visitors to explore the works of both established photographers and those of emerging talents.

Another important function of the HOUSE OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN ROME is the preservation and archiving of historical photographic collections. This makes it possible to preserve the visual and cultural heritage for future generations, making images and documents of significant historical value accessible to the public.

In September-October 2020, the CASA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA DI ROMA organized a new great Photography Festival for free: WEFO Weekend Fotografici - A month of Photography in Rome. Four intense weeks of exhibitions, didactics and talks, to take stock of the state of the art of photography in our city. In addition, he takes care of the organization and promotion of the First RIPA Roma International Photo Award.

The Casa della Fotografia di Roma is a meeting point and reference point for anyone interested in art and photographic culture, offering a complete experience ranging from aesthetic contemplation to intellectual enrichment.


Gilberto Maltinti, President of Casa della Fotografia di Roma

068075666 / 3397781836 /

Alexander Rodchenko, Stairs, 1930. Vintage Print. Collection of Moscow House of Photography Museum/Multimedia Art Museum Moscow. © A. Rodchenko – V. Stepanova Archive. © Moscow House of Photography Museum.

