Casa Della Fotografia di Roma


Pier Giorgio Oliveti General Secretary Cittaslow

Cittaslow promotes the slow lifestyle of well-being, and thanks to the network it develops the exchange of the best good practices worldwide. Cittaslow International also contributes to strengthening the role of education for sustainable and equitable development and through civic education in various forms, makes the formation of the "citizen Cittaslow" of the future, aware and proactive. In addition to small towns, cities and Cittaslow member villages, even parks, regions, provinces, groups of municipalities and other public subjects can join Cittaslow as “Supporting members”, while private individuals can associate as "Friends of Cittaslow". To big cities and metropolises by millions of inhabitants, the “Cittaslow Metropole” Project is also reserved, which involves them with actions limited to certain neighborhoods or individual urban qualification projects. But Cittaslow, in small or large cities, cannot exist and operate concretely without the active support of local traders, craftsmen, freelancers, volunteers, cultural institutions and schools. The inhabitants of Cittaslow are the ones promoting a sustainable life in harmony with nature, according to the principles of resilient and circular economy. Respecting and learning from the ancestors, the "Cittaslow citizens" preserve the traditions and promote the local cultural heritage, starting from the local agricultural products as Slow Food teaches. But the philosophy of Cittaslow opens up to the future of quality for everyone by adopting the concept "There is no Smart without Slow": green disk for every technological innovation aimed at personal services, sustainability, good living.
