Casa Della Fotografia di Roma


On the occasion of Rome Future Week 2024

AI Artificial Intelligence and Photography

Date: 16 September 2024

Location: Parioli Fotografia, via F. Siacci, 2/c

Time: Monday, at 19.30, free entrance

Gilberto Maltinti Photographer and photography teacher

Is artificial intelligence redefining the boundaries of photography, transforming the creative process and offering new expressive possibilities? The synergy between AI and photographic art is revolutionizing the way we perceive, create and interact with images. This union goes beyond the mere technical question, profoundly influencing aesthetic, professional and legal paradigms. AI has brought significant innovations to the photography industry, from automatic editing to image organization to the creation of new visual styles. This collaboration has opened new frontiers of artistic exploration and experimentation, overcoming technical and creative limitations. Automatic image editing using AI algorithms has made professional results accessible even to those without in-depth technical knowledge. Furthermore, the ability to automatically recognize objects in photographs has simplified the search and organization of images in large archives, making them more accessible to end consumers. But the impact of AI goes beyond technical optimization, enabling the creation of new visual styles and the exploration of previously uncharted artistic territories. Generative algorithms can generate new digital works of art or recreate the style of famous photographers, expanding the creative possibilities of artists. However, the introduction of AI also raises ethical and social questions. The digital manipulation of images and the risk of standardization of visual language are challenges to be faced. It is important to consider the ethical implications and ensure that this marriage of technology and art enriches and does not limit our view of the world. In summary, the relationship between AI and photography is a complex and evolving process that offers extraordinary creative opportunities, but also requires critical reflection on its ethical and social implications. This meeting tries to answer some questions: what direction do images take in digital society, how does the language of photography change and how do professions related to photography change, will new philosophical and legal scenarios open up? Let's talk about it together, Monday 16 September at 7.30 pm – Parioli Fotografia, admission subject to availability (max 20 places) with reservations required
