Casa Della Fotografia di Roma

Events and

DHC 2020
Air and Fire!

Photo contest of Dignity No Profit People ETS, in the calendar of WEFO2020 – Photo Weekends / a Month of Photography in Rome

Date: 2 October 2020

Location: Museo Crocetti – Via Cassia 492, Roma

Time: 11 am – 11 pm

Third edition of the Dignity Home Contest, organized in collaboration with the MArte – Cultura association to promote Art and with the Venanzio Crocetti Foundation. The event is part of WEFO2020 – Photographic weekends in Rome and its realization is made possible thanks to the contribution of Sapori srl – Costruzioni e Appalti, Perforesine srl – Restoration and Conservation. Amateur and professional photographers discussed the theme of "Air & Fire". The winning and finalist photos were exhibited in an exhibition at the Crocetti Museum. The Contest was aimed at collecting donations and liberal disbursements for the construction of a system of raw earth community ovens for cooking food in Matambo (Tete – Mozambique) in the land where the Aldeia Dignity project, the village of dignity, is being developed, in collaboration with the Dignity Moçambique association. 12 of the winning photographs were selected by the jury to be part of the 2021 Dignity Calendar. The jury of the DHC 2020 edition is composed of: Stefano Coletta (director of RaiUNO), Roberta Di Casimirro (director and president of the MArte Association), Giulio D'Ercole (director of Rome Photo Fun Tours, professional photographer), Gilberto Maltinti (president of the Casa della Fotografia in Rome), Roberto Orsi (Director of the Osservatorio Socialis, lecturer at ERS Lab LUISS), Marco Palumbo (representative of Dignity members and friends), Marco Tabarini (Technical sector – Processes S.A. Lazio Regional Secretariat – MiBACT). The creators and promoters of the Contest, for the Dignity – No Profit People Onlus association, are: Monica Cannizzaro (graphic design & communication, vice president of Dignity) and Emanuela Bonavolta (architect & educator, coordinator).
