Casa Della Fotografia di Roma


“Omaggio a C.M. Escher”

For university students who attend and winners of the Call for the assignment of accommodation places at LUISS Guido Carli University.

Date: February-May 2024

Location: Residenza Universitaria Giuseppe Tovini, Collegio Mazza, Via di Trasone, 56 – Roma

Time: Thursday evening

The photography course for university students, inspired by the work of M.C. Escher, represented a unique adventure that combined art and technique to explore innovative perspectives and optical illusions. The students had the opportunity to visit the exhibition dedicated to the famous Dutch artist at Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome, immersing themselves in his works famous for impossible geometries and spatial transformations. This direct contact with Escher's art provided a solid basis for subsequent theoretical-practical lessons. During the course, students studied Escher's works in detail, analyzing how his optical illusions and deceptive perspectives could be applied to photography. The classes covered the fundamentals of composition, the use of light, and post-production techniques, with a focus on creating images that defy perception and play with reality. The course was not limited to theory: through practical exercises, students were able to directly experience the principles learned. Working "four-handed" with the teacher of the drawing and graphics course, they collaborated on creative projects that combined photography and graphic/visual arts. These exercises allowed participants to develop advanced skills and explore innovative approaches, transforming everyday scenes into extraordinary artistic visions. An essential part of the course was dedicated to photo shoots with models. These sessions provided an opportunity to put theoretical lessons into practice and perfect their photography skills. In summary, the Escher-inspired photography course represented a complete educational experience, combining theoretical study, intensive practice and interdisciplinary collaboration. Students have not only acquired advanced technical skills, but have also developed a unique creative approach, capable of transforming reality into extraordinary artistic visions.
