Casa Della Fotografia di Roma


“La Scuola siamo noi”

For the students of the Liceo Bramante in Rome, against school dropout

Date: March-June 2024

Location: Liceo Artistico Bramante, Via della Cecchina e Via Sarandì – Roma

Time: Saturday, morning and afternoon

The photography course, funded by PNRR funds - Investment 1.4 - "Extraordinary intervention aimed at reducing territorial gaps in the first and second cycle of secondary school and combating early school leaving" as part of the PNNR / School - Mission 4 - Component 1 - of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU, aimed to provide students with practical and theoretical skills in the field of photography and post-production, developing their creative and critical skills. The main objectives of the course included the reduction of territorial gaps, the fight against early school leaving, the development of digital skills, the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage and awareness and respect for one's own territory through photography. At the end of the course, there will be a photographic exhibition of the students' portfolios in the premises of the Via della Cecchina campus. Our idea as teachers has always been to offer the same learning opportunities to students from different neighborhoods, overcoming the territorial barriers that often limit access to quality educational resources. By providing an engaging and hands-on curriculum, the course aimed to keep students' level of interest and participation high, reducing the school dropout rate. This goal was pursued through the use of digital tools and access to online teaching materials, allowing all students to actively participate in the course, regardless of their location. In an increasingly digital world, the course offered students the chance to acquire fundamental skills in the use of photo editing software and digital tools, preparing them for the future challenges of the job market and higher education. This allowed them to see their environment with new eyes, recognising the beauty and importance of their cultural and natural heritage.
